20 Fitness Rules That Will Serve You For Life

Staying fit as you age isn’t complicated, but it does require a change in perspective. It’s no longer just about looking good—it’s about feeling great, moving well, and staying injury-free while still making gains.

Here’s a list of 20 fitness rules that can help you not only survive but thrive—especially if you're over 40. Print this out, stick it on your fridge, and let these principles guide your fitness journey.

  1. Injury Prevention First, Results Second: The older we get, the more this rings true. Train smart, train safe.

  2. Form Over Weight: Focus on form and the tension you’re putting on your muscles. You’re better off with lighter weight and proper form than lifting heavy with sloppy movements. You’ve all seen the person who you know is minutes away from being sidelined with an injury because of their poor movement technique. 

  3. Control and Precision: Slow, controlled reps build muscle while avoiding injury. Time under tension is your new best friend.

  4. Stick with It: Keep your workouts consistent for 4-16 weeks, focusing on progressive overload to keep the gains coming. 

  5. Dynamic Warm-ups Are a Must: Every workout should start with mobility stretches and muscle activation. Trust me—this will keep you injury-free.

  6. End with Box Breathing: Cool down with a few rounds of box breathing to kickstart your recovery and put your body in a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state. Trust me, your nervous system will thank you.

  7. Get Your Bloodwork Done Every 6 Months: What’s happening under the hood matters more than you think. Track it.

  8. Track Your Workouts: Don’t lift aimlessly. Tracking your progress accelerates your gains—try it and you’ll see.

  9. Find an Eating Style That Suits Your Life: Dieting is temporary. Build a way of eating that fuels your goals and your lifestyle.

  10. Increase Your Lung Capacity: Find a cardio activity you enjoy and stick with it. A personal favorite? Hiking with my daughter strapped to my back.

  11. Get morning and evening sunlight: Sunlight boosts both your brain and body. Aim for seeing low-angle sunlight daily (sunrise and sunset). Not only is this incredible for your mental health, it helps improve your sleep! 

  12. Keep Your Body Fat in Check: It’s not about being shredded; it’s about staying healthy. And yes, the "ideal" range shifts as you age.

  13. Cardio for Longevity, Strength for Quality, Sleep for Recovery: Marry these three together to build a strong foundation.

  14. Tune Into Your Circadian Rhythm: Your body should work like clockwork—rise with the sun, rest when it sets.

  15. Sleep Is a Superpower: Don’t skimp on sleep. The research is wildly conclusive on the importance of quality sleep. 

  16. Walk Daily: Seriously, walking is the most underrated exercise out there, and it’s the easiest way to boost longevity. If short on time, walk as a family, take work calls while walking, park further away - remember, it all adds up. 

  17. Increase your protein intake: Maintaining (or, better yet, increasing) your protein intake is critical for preserving muscle mass which is critical for living a high quality life for a really long time. 

  18. Focus on Pillar Movements: Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, and lunges should be the foundation of your workouts. Master these movements and get stronger with them over time.

  19. Hydrate Like Your Life Depends On It: Because it does. Create a system to remind yourself to drink more water.

  20. Age Is Not an Excuse: Don’t let age be the reason you slow down. You’re capable of becoming the fittest version of yourself—no matter your age. I have a couple 70 and 80 year old clients who charge and can do more than some 40 year olds I know. Seriously. 

These rules will serve you well for a lifetime. If you want to build a strong foundation and live a long, quality life, start implementing these now.

Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do everything at once—target the areas you’re currently lacking in and build from there.


You gotta get this up to get down…